Friday, May 23, 2008

My Very Sad Last Day...

As Rosie once said, "The office grows on you like a fungus", and it truly does. As the time ticked closer to five this evening, I was getting quite sentimental. While I have only spent three weeks at the Medical Examiner's office, I have started to call it home. My little nook in the file room was my home for senior project. I appreciate all the work I was allowed to do. I have learned so much! Thank you Kim for allowing me to intern in the first place. Thanks Rosie for giving me all the "dirty" jobs in the evidence room. Thanks to Lynn for always greeting me when I arrived at the office. I will miss you! I also want to thank everyone for letting me help you. In doing hands-on projects, I have experienced a very short life as a forensic investigator. When I first started watching CSI, my parents would scoff at the fact that I didn't know the "real thing". From day one of my senior project, I have been able to explain so much and teach others about my experiences. I had never known I would be interested in something so much! While at times I took part in mundane activities, I was always rewarded with a visit to the morgue or a road trip to the state crime lab. I am grateful that I was able to work at the ME's office for my senior project. I will always remember my experiences! Thank you so much everyone! 

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