Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekly Reflection Two

My week did not really change from the one before. I am still finishing my main project. I had completed going through the case files and photocopying both the autopsy reports and the investigation reports. Right now, I am recording data for the Medical Examiner's office to use in the future. I am taking down information including age, gender, case number, cause of death, circumstances, state of residency and any toxicology panel results. There are some pieces of information that I need to review the case file for. Because I have redacted the personal information, it makes it difficult to fill in some of the fields. While this week does seem like a repeat of the one before, I love working at the ME's office. I am learning things just from being in the office. Earlier this week, I reviewed some old cases that involved facial reconstructions and missing persons with my sponsor, Kim, who is very interested in this piece of forensic investigation. She was telling me about a conference she attended that highlighted the benefits of this new technology to help solve unknown cases. 

I also met with a woman who represents the Health and Human Services. She is spearheading the alliance between the Health and Human Services and the Medical Examiner's office to create a program that is proactive in preventing suicides. She was telling me that if a person has committed suicide in a neighborhood, young people in that same neighborhood have an increased chance of doing the same. She has worked with others to create a publication that aids the family and community of someone who has taken their life, in order to prevent a ripple-effect or aftermath. Being such a small state, New Hampshire is fortunate to have the funds to create such a program. It was interesting to get the perspective of someone working outside of the Medical Examiner's office and her experiences doing so. She even insisted that if I had any questions that might help with my Senior Project presentation, that she would be more than happy to help. It is nice to know that if I ever want to learn more about the suicide prevention program that all I need do is ask. It just shows that this cause is very important to her and that it is working. All good steps in the right direction...

I am hoping that by the end of the day tomorrow I will be completely finished with my main project. That means that I can finish my Senior Project with a bang, no pun intended. Check back in the next few days to hear how my last week is going. Take care!

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