Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekly Reflection Three

My last week was the most exciting and the most sad. While I finished my main project and wrapped up some loose ends, I also spent a fair amount of time in the evidence room. Purging, video taping and sorting prescription bottles from crime scenes was very interesting. I even visited the morgue! As in previous weekly reflections and daily blogs, I have mentioned that all the activities I do may seem quite dull to the average person. However, I find it all fascinating! I know I am only an intern, but I think about the things I could do if I truly were a forensic investigator. I enjoyed being finished with my main project before the end of Senior Project because I had the time to sit down and talk with Kim about how the Medical Examiner's office works. We also discussed her work with the state's disaster plan committee. We looked over numerous cases, including crime scene photos. I have found that over these three weeks I have gained a necessary skill in the field of crime scene investigation - I have learned to desensitize myself. In the first week, I couldn't bear to look at the photos from the aircraft-related fatalities. When Kim and I were looking over the crime scene photos, I was able to really look at what the picture was. Whether it be a body or blood spatter, I was able to stomach it. Kim even suggested I come back in the summer to view an autopsy. I had never known I could be so passionate about something like this. Experiencing the world of a forensic investigator was always a dream to me - it never seemed real. I have watched CSI: Crime Scene Investigation for quite some time now and it's nothing like the real thing. I have been very fortunate to be able to see for myself what it's really like. I am also surprised and a little proud of myself for getting as much out of it as I did. I actually have considered a career in forensic investigation. I have to thank Kim for allowing me to intern at the Medical Examiner's office. I had such an experience and will never forget it! Thanks! 

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